The world’s game mega-publisher, and last major holdout to Valve’s Steam service, has finally debuted on the popular Digital Distribution platform. In the gaming world, this is analagous to Apple loading its computers with Microsoft Windows Vista. This is a BIG DEAL.
The debut list from EA is somewhat sparse, compared to their MASSIVE catalog, but it includes some popular titles such as SPORE, WARHAMMER ONLINE, MASS EFFECT, CRYSIS, and soon RED ALERT 3. We all look forward to the entire Red Alert catalog sometime in the future. *wink wink*
I believe Crysis was already on Steam… or am I incorrect on this one?
Either way, good to hear, I heard Red Alert 3 *cough not 2 cough* is not half bad.
Holy crap. This is the next step in Steam’s Domination of the World.
I think the snowflakes are what makes it.