If anyone wants a fantastic introduction to House M.D. and good drama in general I recommend watching episode 415 “House’s Head” and 416 “Wilson’s Heart”. We’ve got good TV on our hands!!! Seriously. Better than zombies even.
Cereal production? OR WEAPON SMUGGLING!?
Don’t get me wrong, I love my Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes (no, they aren’t paying me), but I’ve come to the conclusion that cereal companies are actually illegal weapon smugglers in disguise. Today, while enjoying my frosty confections, I discovered a spoon that emitted a bright red light. After pointing the red light at my fellow flake consumer, I noticed it could cause severe annoyance and yelling.
Did Kellogg think through what might happen should such a valuable and dangerous piece of technology fall into the wrong hands? NO. NO THEY PROBABLY DIDN’T!
God save us all.
Tony the Tiger
Family Friendly Feline or Baby Eating Monster?
Icon Mk2!
Ok, after several minutes of painstaking paint surgery, I’ve recreated (and hopefully improved) the StormEffect icon and saved it properly this time. BEHOLD!
StormEffect Mk 2
No More Kings
I first heard this band as part of an eMusic promotion, and I’m glad I did!
You can find their website here.
Their whole album is fantastic, including Michael (Jump In) and Sweep the Leg.
You’ll also find they wrote a song about living life as a zombie (Zombie Me), and that makes them an instant mega-platinum-hall-of-StormEffect-fame winner.
You can hear (and buy) their album over at Amazon or iTunes.
Why isn’t the rest of the internet this cool?
Watch out Amazon!
Really Cool Website
(Let it load and wait several seconds)
New Icon!
I’ve been using the same forum icon for several years, the very dry Brian from Family Guy. I’m no longer sarcastic or clever enough to keep him as an icon, so I drew a new one! Shame I saved it as a JPEG, because now it looks like crap! Bah, I still love it.
EDIT: 2016 – Image was lost to time! Have been unable to track down the original link/copy.
StormEffect Mk1
Beyond Good & Evil
My favorite game of all time is now on Steam!
I recommend anyone and everyone play this game.
Best Action/Adventure this side of Ocarina of Time!
PC Gaming
PC Gaming isn’t dead, nor will it ever die. True, we are deep in the Era of Consoles right now, but it will peak relatively soon. The PC is an enduring platform. Console fans wont see it this way, but the PC is the one infringing on console territory, not the other way around. Xbox 360, PS3, even Wii (sans Wii-mote) are simply standardized hardware built around a standardized API (Apple, anyone?). Each of these consoles will eventually bite the dust and be replaced by more powerful successors, but at some point the standard, bargain bin PC will be more powerful than a similarly priced console and the two will fuse.
PCs will always have the edge in backwards compatibility due to their more flexible code base and the absence of ‘console exclusivity’. I can still play Spear of Destiny on my Vista Ultimate PC through Steam, but for some reason I don’t think I’ll be playing Metal Gear on my Xbox 360 anytime soon.
Just wait a few years and see, eventually the gaming PC and console will become one in the same. What will be unique is the supplied API, and this is where Microsoft already has an edge over Sony and Nintendo.
Steam is blowing open the floodgates for the PC as a gaming platform. I buy many more PC games than console games, and it is all thanks to Valve’s distribution service.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved Gears and Mass Effect and Halo (123) and Metal Gear and Final Fantasy and Zelda and Mario…but as time passes, games become less console-centric, even considering the fact that many companies claim they are focusing more on consoles. Consider ‘console exclusives’ like Gears, Mass Effect, even games like Guitar Hero! Maybe it’ll take a few extra years for Wii-style games, because of the (fabulous) Wii-mote, but in the end, every console is destined to die off, while the PC will continue to live on in one form or another. Now I’m off to start up Steam and get a good game of Spear of Destiny going!
Parminder Nagra.
I’ve been a fan of ER for awhile now…
Right, so for those of you still reading!
The girls of ER are quite classy, and my favorite is the character Neela Rasgotra played by Parminder Nagra. Some of you not familiar with Nagra might remember a very young version of her in Bend It Like Beckham. Anyway, here is a little clip of her on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.
Cute, no?
Ok, this is it. One of my favorite publications has broken the last straw. ADDICTING IS NOT A WORD! Where the hell did it even come from? I hear it on network news, I read it in newspapers, I read it on tech editorials. IT IS NOT A *self censored* WORD! I blame MS Word. Anything it doesn’t draw a crooked red line under is automatically real.
Your move.